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  • Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) is a genetic mutation affecting many breeds that causes developmental defects in the eye that can lead to vision deficits or blindness. This defect can be diagnosed by a veterinary ophthalmologist between 6 and 8 weeks of age by visualizing spots of choroidal hypoplasia or a colobomas . It can be associated with microphthalmia or enophthalmia. It can lead to retinal detachment and blindness. Although laser repair of partial retinal detachments can be attempted if detected in early stages, there is generally no treatment for CEA. Vision varies depending on the extent of the lesions and some dogs will become blind. Prevention requires not breeding animals that carry the mutation and this can be achieved through genetic testing of breeding dogs.

  • Colloidal oatmeal topical (brand name DermAllay®, Epi-Soothe, others) is an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic (anti-itching), and emollient (softening, soothing) agent used in the treatment of surface skin disorders and skin reactions in cats and dogs. It is made from oat grains (Avena sativa). Colloidal oatmeal topical comes in spray, cream rinse, and shampoo forms.

  • Color dilution alopecia is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that affects dogs with dilute-colored coats causing hair loss. Some dogs will also be affected by secondary bacterial infections so topical management and pruritus treatments may be needed to improve the dog's comfort. Affected dogs and their relatives should not be bred.

  • Colostrum is given by mouth and is used over the counter to treat various immune-mediated and inflammatory conditions. Give as directed by your veterinarian. Side effects are uncommon and may include gastrointestinal upset in pets with a dairy allergy. There are no known contraindications. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • There a several viral diseases that affect pet and backyard chickens. Knowing the symptoms, treatment options, and methods of prevention is beneficial to anyone who owns chickens. The five most common viral diseases are: Marek's disease virus, lymphoid leukosis virus, avian influenza, infectious bronchitis and Newcastle disease virus.

  • Cat Behavior and Training: Enrichment for Indoor Cats

    Cuando se decide tener un gato casero, lo más importante es saber qué estímulos proporcionarle para satisfacer sus necesidades de comportamiento.

  • Behavior Counseling: Diagnosing a Behavior Problem - Is It Medical or Behavioral?

    Los problemas de comportamiento pueden deberse a causas médicas, psicológicas o a una combinación de ambas. Una historia clínica minuciosa, un examen físico completo y una serie de pruebas diagnósticas apropiadas determinarán si hay alguna enfermedad que influya en el problema.

  • Compulsive disorders are repetitive behaviors done so frequently that they interfere with a dog's daily life. Some behaviors performed compulsively can cause physical injury. Compulsive disorders may reflect underlying behavioral illness, medical illness, or a combination. Treatment programs should address the behavioral and medical causes. Some aspects of behavioral treatment may need to be continued for the life of the dog.

  • Dogs and Destructive Digging

    Puede deberse a diferentes motivos: algunas razas, como las procedentes de lugares fríos (huskies, malamutes), escarban para hacer agujeros en los que tumbarse para estar más frescos. En verano y en días de calor, perros de cualquier raza pueden adoptar esta conducta.

  • Dogs and Destructive Chewing

    Los perros, en especial los cachorros, tienen una gran tendencia a la exploración y al juego, actividades que constituyen una parte importante de su desarrollo social y de su aprendizaje sobre el ambiente. Por lo tanto, el hecho de que los cachorros investiguen su entorno oliendo, probando sabores e incluso mordisqueando objetos de la casa, es un comportamiento normal.